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Smarthub Version 6.0: Available Now!

Our biggest ever update is now available to all Smarthub users.

We are delighted to announce the release of our latest version of Smarthub! As of today we will be getting in touch with all customers regarding scheduling your upgrade. If you don’t hear from us, please do get in touch. The upgrade process only takes 15 minutes, after which you can explore and experiment with the new features. The Knowledge Hub has been updated with the latest release notes and guides on how the new tools function.

Some of the New Additions:


Our new comprehensive service management tool is the standout feature of this release. Services represent a new area of the system, allowing you to organise and assign tasks to staff easily, with built-in scheduling and messaging tools, plus multiple calendar views.

Interactive Reports

Analyse your system data more quickly and easily, with enhanced filtering and chart manipulation options.

Popup Alerts

Improve in-system communication with prominent banner alerts on any page.

Workshops & Training Page

View all required training and any upcoming workshops on a single page, eliminating the need to check individual assets for any required training.

Alongside these new features, we have made various tweaks and changes based on client feedback, as well as general system improvements and bug fixes.

If you would like a demonstration or a chat before upgrading, please get in touch with your account manager. They can explain the changes and provide a quick overview. Alternatively, review the release notes and schedule your upgrade when you are ready.

We are particularly excited about the new Servicehub and can’t wait for you to start using it. We hope it makes managing your day a little easier.

As always, thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy the new release.

If you’re looking for a better way to manage equipment, rooms and personnel, click here to explore our all in one equipment booking solution: Smarthub.

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