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Tool Spotlight: Form Builder

Create custom forms for RAs, CoSHH and more with our Form Builder tool

Hello and welcome to our new Tool Spotlight!

This is where we take a moment to share some exciting news about a tool that might have slipped under the radar for some of you – and no we won’t be talking about hammers, and if you like hammers I’m very sorry.

This week it’s our new Form Builder tool! The Form Builder arrived with version 5.9, and if you can’t find it in your menu, don’t worry; just reach out to your system admin, and they can help you gain access.

At the heart of our software development philosophy is the commitment to openness and flexibility. We understand that every workplace operates uniquely, requiring slightly different tools to suit diverse working practices.

That’s why we’ve introduced the Form Builder – a feature that allows you to effortlessly create, modify, and distribute forms tailored to your specific needs.

We’ve already witnessed the Form Builder in action amongst our user base, being used for everything from student surveys to safety checks and questions about traveling abroad. And this is just the beginning.

The versatility of the tool allows for various input types, including free text, lists of options, result tables, ratings, file uploads, and more. Whether you use it on its own or to facilitate complex Risk Assessments or CoSHH forms through branching logic, the possibilities are vast.

Our vision is for the Form Builder to seamlessly integrate with as many areas of the system as possible over time. We aim to open up new avenues for users to interact with our Smarthub and Smartlab asset management systems, enhancing your overall experience.

But that’s not all – there is also the Form Hub, a centralised space where you can organise all the forms you’ve created. With features like colour coding and tags, finding the right form is a breeze.

Need to share a link or make modifications? The Form Hub has you covered, making your workflow even more efficient.

We’re excited about the potential of the Form Builder and Form Hub to revolutionise the way you interact with our systems. So, if you haven’t explored these features yet, now’s the time. Embrace the flexibility, streamline your processes, and discover new possibilities.

As always if you have any questions or need assistance getting started, feel free to reach out to our support team via our support portal or at [email protected]